Experiencing Gunsite Academy: My Trip to SecureIt FIRE 2023 – Guns.com

Published on Guns.com, Elizabeth Bienas talks about her experience as a participant in SecureIt’s FIRE 2023 event. She praises the Gunsite Academy for their safe, thorough instruction, and the SecureIt team for bringing this group of women together for a training event.

From the article: “FIRE 2023 was an experience I’ll never forget. Training at Gunsite Academy should be a bucket list item for all shooters. You won’t find another facility like it; the instructors are top-notch; and there’s a class for you regardless of your shooting experience..”

To read the full piece, click here: https://www.guns.com/news/2023/06/02/gunsite-academy-secureit-fire-2023

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