Why Gun Safes Have Vents

Gun safes have vents because they allow air to circulate which helps prevent rust and corrosion from impacting both your firearms and the safe itself. When moisture gets trapped inside because there are no vents to circulate it out, it can lead to mold which can damage your firearms, not to mention leave a musky odor on everything. Without ventilation, your gun safe can be more of a hazard than a helper.

You may be wondering if the vents prevent a gun safe from being waterproof, if they create an entry point for fire embers and ash, or a security vulnerability intruders can take advantage of.  We have some good news and some bad news on each.

Gun Safe Security

Good news, the ventilation systems on many gun safes do not impact the security of the gun safe as the openings are normally too small to fit a firearm through, and they’re typically placed on the opposite side or far away from the locking mechanisms. By being placed and sized strategically they keep your firearms inside the safe.  

Chances are that your gun safe will also not have any way to open from the inside, so there’s little to no chance of the burglar trying to unlock it via tools or lifting a latch in the case of an older gun locker with a metal bar that lifts to open the door.


This one is bad news. If the fire is close enough to your gun safe that embers are going to make it through the vents on the gun safe, chances are the heat from the blaze is going to be more extensive and damage than the embers or ash.  Your guns are likely already warped and unsafe to use in these instances.

Fire ratings for gun safes are a false sense of security nowadays. Years ago, fire department response times were slower and homes had a substantial chance of burning down. When this was the case, fireproofing was needed. There were even two organizations that took on the role and are now around 100 years old.  

In modern times, the responses are much quicker so the fire response team can put out the blaze before you’d need fireproofing. In the event that your home cannot be put out, it’s unlikely the fireproofing would be effective as it only lasts for so long and under a certain level of heat.


There are two common concerns with waterproofing and vents in a gun safe.

  • Moisture can get in
  • Water can leak through

It is true that moisture can get into the gun safe through the vents, but the ventilation system is also designed to circulate the air and push the moisture out. Moisture can also get in when you open the door, you’re cleaning the safe, or drip off of a box, guns, and other items you store.

If there are no vents, there is also no way to circulate this moisture out. That can lead to mold and mildew build up, as well as faster corrosion.

In the case of flooding, if the water pressure and levels are bad enough that you’d have to worry about the vents in the gun safe allowing water through, chances are the gun safe will already be jeopardized. Just like fireproof ratings, waterproof ratings on gun safes are a false sense of security.

Vents are on a gun safe to help circulate air and promote the longevity of your firearms. They’re a protective feature and not a risk. By not having a ventilation system, your safe may be more prone to corrosion, and that is what can damage your firearms more than a vent.

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